Local Business’ Anal Bleaching Services Causes Controversy

On February 1 of this year, Jaden Stevenson opened a Wax Hair Removal Bar inside the High Fidelity Salon that is near Britannia Elementary and Secondary. A sandwich board advertising the business’ anal bleaching services has received complaints due to the salon’s proximity to the elementary school.

Sandwich board advertising anal bleaching services.

Sandwich board advertising anal bleaching services

Tanya Van, the parent of a student at Britannia Elementary, wrote a letter to the founder of Wax Hair Removal Bar, Luba Sasowski. In her letter, Tanya Van claimed to be a part of the Britannia Elementary Parent Advisory Council (PAC) and complained of the choice of the words “anal bleaching”. The salon covered the words with tape until Ms. Sasowski spoke with the Britannia Elementary PAC. During that meeting the PAC informed Luba Sasowski that Tanya Van was not a member of the PAC, nor did they have a problem with the sandwich board. When the salon removed the tape from the board, Ms. Van attempted to gather support from the community by sending friends in to the salon to harass the staff and by going to other local businesses to describe the situation, using the words “child exploitation”. In her letter to Luba Sasowski, Tanya Van stated that she “[felt] that this phrase anal bleaching on the sandwich board on the way to school to be potentially grooming our young students that walk by it every weekday for child exploitation.” High Fidelity, wary of Ms. Van’s use of “child exploitation”, has sent her a cease and desist letter. Although most people have shown support for the salon, they have has two hair appointment cancellations, though it is unclear if these cancellations are related to the scandal or not.

In this article, the bias was in favour of the Wax Hair Removal Bar. Tanya Van was written with loaded words, more than once described as harassing people at high Fidelity Salon.

I believe that High Fidelity should have a Wax Hair Removal Bar and a sandwich board that advertises their services if that is what the owners want. In The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, it states that everyone has the freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media communication. As that is a fundamental freedom that everybody is entitled to, Jaden Stevenson and Luba Sasowski should be able to advertise their anal bleaching services. Although Tanya Van is also entitled to having her voice heard, she should not do it in a way that harms High Fidelity Salon’s and Wax Hair Removal Bar’s business. The salon, as well as the elemntary school, are located on Commercial Drive, in close proximity to Womyn’s Ware, a sex shop, as well as a medical marijuana shop. Those two businesses, which advertise their products in more eye-catching ways, are not being accused of grooming children for child exploitation, and neither should the Wax Hair Removal Bar.

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